West Craven Turbines Women’s 27-117 Holy Cross Angels

Posted on November 30th, 2012

IMG_0452The West Craven Turbines Women’s team finally held their first ever home game after starting from scratch a mere 10 months ago the only team to do so in the league this year Taking place at Marsden Heights Community College. Looking forward to this fixture Turbines could not have faced a tougher opposition as they took on Holy Cross Angels of Bury. Angels were a team made of a number of well-drilled young players and a very organised team under the watchful eye of experienced Coach Nick Ibberson.

The first quarter saw the Turbines get off to a shaky start as they lacked in confidence with dealing with Angels impressive and well structured offence. Angels had to work hard in the early stages of the game as Turbines defence was stronger than expected, however, lapsing in concentration would then see baskets scored inside by the opposition. On offence Turbines struggled to score and see any way to break through Angel’s impressive defence. Putting that aside the Turbines had some good spells with the young rising star in point guard Ashleigh Tatersall providing some excellent passes into centre forward Steph Jackson.

The second quarter consisted of slightly more scoring but still Turbines conceded baskets as the Turbines Coach Ireton rotated the bench and brought on young guards Kirsty Goodwill and Amelia Ward to fill in for key player Tatersall as her hard work and effort unfortunately took her into foul trouble. Improvements from key players were clearly evaluated as young guard Ward had stepped up her game from previous matches. The half time score was 58-9 with Angels in a comfortable winning position.

As the third quarter began the home side became tired as they lacked in rotation of the bench due to foul trouble and only having 7 players available therefore struggled to keep up with the transition scoring from Holy Cross. However, signs of potential became clear as West Craven increased scoring with Goodwill scoring an inside two and Jackson claiming some strong offensive rebounds while forward Katy Watson added to the scoring with 4pts.

The Turbines began the fourth quarter well but the game ran away from them with some continuous fast breaks by Angels. At the offensive end the Turbines were to set themselves a target of scoring over 25 points as they achieved with hard working guard Pickles shooting a long two and getting her name on the score sheet. Now free of her earlier foul problems Tattersall was free to show what she is capable of making some quick slicing moves to the hoop. Sarah Rowland put in another solid performance after being moved into a starting spot. Coach Ireton made sure all his players got the most out of a really tough game noted “We clearly have a way to go but the improvements made from each game have been very impressive as a team and individually particular the 2nd half performance from Ward who looked much more comfortable on the ball’ Final score 27-117 with Angels taking a comfortable win.

Clearly a lot to learn for the young developing side as Angels put on a good display of basketball C. Seddon put on an impressive scoring display coming away with a 40pt game for Angels. Big steps had been made by the Turbines scoring more each game they play. The ladies must take this game as a big lesson and take on board the fundamentals of the game as next week sees them face MMU Cheshire an established team within the league. Thank you to those that came along and showed support to the ladies.

We are always on the look out for new players of any standard our sessions are held on Tuesdays 6-7:30pm at West Craven High and Thursdays 7-8pm at Spirit of Sport, Burnley.

« « West Craven Turbines 64-59 Blackburn Phoenix   |   West Craven Turbines Ladies 11-101 MMU Cheshire » »

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